SEO Tips- How to write SEO friendly blogs

Are you also tired of not getting a higher search rank? Then, why not follow some of our tips that can increase your chances of ranking high. Many of you might think of a blog post as a minute game. But this is not the case.

It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve a higher rank. For this, you need to be smart about choosing and writing topics, pay attention to small details and produce quality content. Therefore, we provide you with some tips that can help you in writing SEO-friendly blog posts.

1. Think about the topic first

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Before starting to write, you can give yourself some time and think about the topic. Jot down some pointers that you will be including in your blog. You can read various articles related to SEO on a daily basis and prepare a list of topics that sound interesting.

At the start of each month, you can prepare a whole schedule of what topics to be covered on which date. While you are writing, think about the goal of your post and also how it is going to benefit the readers.

2. Form a structure of the blog

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Your blog must include the following three sections; introduction, main body, and a conclusion. By splitting the blog into these sections, you will be able to write it with ease. By writing what you want to include in all three sections, you can make the process more efficient.

3. Use keywords

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Adding keywords to your content is highly recommendable. However, do not just add keywords for the sake of doing it.

Instead, add them wherever they fit perfectly and seem natural to read. If you are not sure about the keywords, then there are various tools available that can help you to find keywords that relate to your main keyword.

4. Don’t use large paragraphs

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We all use paragraphs, but we need to know the right way to use them. Your blogs should not contain large paragraphs; as there is a great chance that most of your readers view it on a mobile. Therefore, if you use short paragraphs, it makes it easy for them to read.

Use short paragraphs of around 2-3 sentences. You can also use various formatting options like bold, italics etc so that your content doesn’t look boring.

5. Add links

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If you have an already published post that matches the content you are writing currently; then try adding the link to the post here. These internal links are quite effective as the readers will be able to discover new pages on your website.

In this way, users can have an option to click on a link and read more about a topic. This will also help in keeping users on your website for more time.

6. Develop the length of your blog post

How Long Should Your Blog Post Be

It has been found that longer posts have higher chances of getting a better rank. Therefore, make sure that your blog has a minimum of 300 words. Also, do not make the post too long as this might scare away the users.

Along with quantity, the most important thing is the quality of your content. A long blog with useful information is much more likely to get more views than a short and uninteresting post.

Final words

Lastly, before publishing the post, try to take reviews from someone else. You can ask them, whether they understand the main purpose of the blog. You can also ask them to make suggestions or correct any typos or grammatical errors. This will ensure that your blog will be liked by the public and is all set to be published.

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